Indian Fables by  Ramaswami Raju

The Sun, the Wise Men, and the Wag

Two men of great learning and wisdom, in the East, were one day discussing this point:—"Is it the same sun that rose yesterday that shines to-day, or some other orb every way similar to it?"

A wag, who heard this, addressed them as follows:—"Reverend sirs, I can easily solve the question, if you will permit me."

"By all means," said the wise men.

The wag then talked a great deal about the sun, and said, "To-morrow, the other half of my discourse will be delivered."

So the next day the wise men came to hear him, when the wag said, "Reverend sirs, I have my doubts as to your being the same wise men that spoke to me yesterday, and not some others every way similar to them. So, if you would satisfy me first on this point, I shall proceed with the other half of my lecture; else it would perhaps be thrown away!"

The wise men left the place to wrangle no more about the sun. The wag cried, "Too much light dazzles the sight!"

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