The Ass and the Watch-dog
A watch-dog
in a village was barking all
night to keep thieves off from his master's
house. An ass, who observed this, thought
that the dog amused himself by barking.
So he brayed all night. When the day
dawned, the owner of the ass thought the
poor animal had been suffering from some
disorder. Therefore he sent for the village
doctor, and laid the case before him.
The Ass and the Watch-Dog
The doctor examined the animal closely,
and said, "Friend, you must brand this
ass forthwith, else he will soon go into fits
and die."
The ass said, "I assure you nothing is
wrong with me; I simply amused myself
last night."
" Oh, no," said the inexorable leech; "I
know what the wily brute means. He
would rather die, and make you the loser,
than be branded and recover his health."
So they bound the ass with ropes, and
branded him all over with red-hot irons.
Some time after the ass moved out to see
how the village had fared during his illness.
The dog asked why he had been branded.
The ass narrated the story. Quoth the
dog, "He that mistakes work for amusement must pay for his error."