The Frog and the King
A great
drought prevailed in a country in
the East at one time. There was hardly
any water to drink. In the chief city
there was a great cistern, from which
water was measured out every day to the
people in the town and in the provinces.
One night the watchman came running
to the king and said, "Sire, there has
been a leak somewhere in the cistern, and
the water is flowing out."
The king, with all his court, came out
to see the leak, but it could not be discovered. However, some time after, the
water ceased to flow. Still, to make sure
that all was right, the next day the spot
where the leak had happened was carefully examined. The workmen found out
the hole, and saw a frog blocking it up.
They were about to fling the frog on
the ground with violence, when the king
said, "Oh, no, he is our benefactor; but
for him all the water would have gone
out." The workmen laid him gently on
the ground, and he escaped into the
cistern, saying to the king, "Sire, to discover merit in the lowly is harder work
than ruling over a kingdom."