Indian Fables by  Ramaswami Raju

The Owl and His School

An owl named Old Wisdom kept a school. Everybody went to him to take lessons. After some time he wished to know what progress they had made in their studies. So he gave them a number of questions to answer.

The first was, "Why does the moon shine in the sky?"

The nightingale said, "That I might sing all night in his pleasant light to my bride, the rose."


The Owl and his School

The lilies said, "That we may open our petals, and enjoy his loving and refreshing beams."

The hare said, "That there may be enough of dew in the morning for me to lap."

The dog said, "That I may find out thieves prowling round my master's house."

The glow-worm said, "That he may throw me into the shade, for he envies my light."

The fox said, "That I may see my way to the poultry-yard."

"Enough!" said Old Wisdom. "There is but one moon that shines in the sky, yet how each brings him to serve his own purpose!" Self reigns supreme!

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