The Topaz Story Book by  Ada M. Skinner and Eleanor L. Skinner

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Each in His Own Tongue
Nipon and the King of the Northland
Prince Autumn
The Scarf of the Lady
The Sickle Moon
Winter's Herald
Jack Frost
The Pumpkin Giant
Lady White and Lady Yellow
The Shet-up Posy
The Gay Little King
The Story of the Opal
Lost: The Summer
By the Wayside
The King's Candles
A Legend of the Golden-Rod
The Little Weed
Golden-Rod and Purple Aster
Wild Asters
Pimpernel, the Shepherd's Clock
A Legend of the Gentian
Queen Aster
The Weeds
Autumn Fires
To an Autumn Leaf
Why the Autumn Leaves are Red
The Anxious Leaf
How the Chestnut Burrs Became—
The Merry Wind
Autumn Among the Birds
The Kind Old Oak
The Tree
Coming and Going
A Legend of the Willow Tree
Autumn Fashions
Pomona's Best Gift
In the Orchard
Johnny Appleseed
Red Apple
The Three Golden Apples
October: Orchard of the Year
Woodland Animals
The Pretending Woodchuck
Mrs. Bunny's Dinner Party
The Nutcrackers of Nutcracker Lodge
Bushy's Bravery
Nut Gatherers
When the Frost is on the Pumpkin
Origin of Indian Corn
O-na-tah, the Spirit of the Corn Fields
The Discontented Pumpkin
Bob White
The Little Pumpkin
The News
How There Came To Be a Katy-did
Old Dame Cricket
Miss Katy-did and Miss Cricket
The Cricket
Shadow March
Twinkling Feet's Hallowe'en
The Elfin Knight
The Courteous Prince
Jack-o'-Lantern Song
The Queer Little Baker Man
A Turkey for the Stuffing
Pumpkin Pie
Mrs. November's Party
The Debut of Dan'l Webster
The Green Corn Dance
The Two Alms, or The Thanksgiving Day Gift
Thanksgiving Psalm
The Crown of the Year

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