Trees and Shrubs by  Arabella B. Buckley

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Trees and Shrubs
by Arabella B. Buckley
Fifth volume in the Eyes and No Eyes series, introduces children to trees and shrubs, encouraging them to ponder all the ways in which trees are useful to us. They learn how a tree starts and how it continues to grow year after year. They study an oak tree in detail, along with the animal life it supports, then contrast it with cone-bearing trees and trees of hedgerow, garden, and park. Eight color illustrations and numerous black and white drawings complement the text. 5.5 x 8.5 inches.  Ages 8-10
78 pages $15.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Value of Trees
How a Tree Starts
How a Tree Grows—The Horse Chestnut
Trees with Catkin Flowers
The British Oak
Guests of the Oak
The Beech and the Sweet Chestnut
Trees Which Bear Cones
Hedgerow Shrubs and Trees
Garden Shrubs in Bloom
The Ash and the Elm
In the Park
Leaves—Their Shape and Position

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