The Real Mother Goose by  Blanche Fisher Wright

Table of Contents

Little Bo-Peep
Little Boy Blue
The Clock
Fingers and Toes
A Seasonable Song
Dame Trot and Her Cat
Three Children on the Ice
Cross Patch
The Old Woman under a Hill
Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee
Oh, Dear!
Old Mother Goose
Little Jumping Joan
Money and the Mare
Robin Redbreast
A Melancholy Song
Going to St. Ives
Thirty Days Hath September
Baby Dolly
Come Out to Play
If Wishes Were Horses
To Market
Old Chairs To Mend
Robin and Richard
A Man and a Maid
Here Goes My Lord
The Clever Hen
Two Birds
Leg over Leg
Lucy Locket
When Jenny Wren Was Young
The Flying Pig
Solomon Grundy
Burnie Bee
Three Wise Men of Gotham
The Hunter of Reigate
Little Polly Flinders
Ride Away, Ride Away
Pippen Hill
Pussy-Cat and Queen
The Winds
Clap Handies
Just Like Me
Play Days
Heigh-Ho, the Carrion Crow
A Needle and Thread
Banbury Cross
The Man in Our Town
Georgy Porgy
For Every Evil
Cushy Cow
Wee Willie Winkie
About the Bush
John Smith
Simple Simon
Three Blind Mice
Five Toes
A Little Man
Doctor Foster
Diddle Diddle Dumpling
Jerry Hall
Lengthening Days
The Black Hen
The Mist
A Candle
Miss Muffet
Humpty Dumpty
One, Two, Three
The Dove and the Wren
Master I Have
Shall We Go A-Shearing?
Goosey, Goosey, Gander
Old Mother Hubbard
The Cock and the Hen
Blue Bell Boy
Why May I Not Love Johnny?
Jack Jelf
Jack Sprat
The Girl in the Lane
Nancy Dawson
Handy Pandy
Jack and Jill
The Alphabet
Dance to Your Daddie
One Misty Moisty Morning
Robin Hood and Little John
The Old Woman from France
Teeth and Gums
The Robins
The Old Man
T'Other Little Tune
My Kitten
If All the Seas Were One Sea
Pancake Day
A Plum Pudding
Forehead, Eyes, Cheeks, and Nose
Two Pigeons
A Sure Test
Lock and Key
The Lion and the Unicorn
The Merchants of London
I Had a Little Husband
To Babylon
I'll Tell You a Story
A Strange Old Woman
Sleep, Baby, Sleep
Cry, Baby
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Little Fred
The Cat and the Fiddle
Doctor Fell
A Counting-Out Rhyme
Jack and His Fiddle
Hot Boiled Beans
Little Pussy
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Tommy Tittlemouse
The Derby Ram
The Hobby-Horse
The Mulberry Bush
Young Lambs To Sell
Boy and the Sparrow
Old Woman, Old Woman
The First of May
Sulky Sue
The House That Jack Built
Saturday, Sunday
Little Jenny Wren
The Old Woman and the Pedlar
Bobby Snooks
The Little Moppet
I Saw a Ship A-Sailing
A Walnut
The Man in the Moon
One, He Loves
Bat, Bat
Hark! Hark!
The Hart
My Love
The Man of Bombay
Poor Old Robinson Crusoe!
A Sieve
My Maid Mary
A Difficult Rhyme
Pretty John Watts
Good Advice
I Love Sixpence
Bye, Baby Bunting
Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son
Comical Folk
Tommy Snooks
The Three Sons
The Blacksmith
Two Gray Kits
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
Pairs or Pears
Old King Cole
See, See
A Well
Coffee and Tea
Pussy-Cat Mew
That Little Girl with a Curl
Cock and Bull Story
For Baby
Over the Water
Fears and Tears
The Kilkenny Cats
Old Grimes
A Week of Birthdays
A Chimney
The Man Who Had Naught
The Tailors and the Snail
Around the Green Gravel
Intery, Mintery
Caesar's Song
As I Was Going Along
Hector Protector
Billy, Billy
Rock-a-Bye, Baby
The Man in the Wilderness
Little Jack Horner
The Bird Scarer
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
Bessy Bell and Mary Gray
Needles and Pins
Pussy-Cat and the Dumplings
Dance, Thumbkin, Dance
Mary's Canary
The Little Bird
Birds of a Feather
The Dusty Miller
A Star
The Greedy Man
The Ten O'Clock Scholar
An Icicle
A Ship's Nail
The Old Woman of Leeds
The Boy in the Barn
Willy, Willy
Jack Jingle
The Quarrel
The Pumpkin-Eater
Betty Blue
That's All
Dance, Little Baby
My Little Maid
For Want of a Nail
Pease Porridge
Ring a Ring o' Roses
The Crooked Sixpence
This Is the Way
Ducks and Drakes
The Donkey
The Bells
Little Girl and Queen
The King of France
Peter Piper
One to Ten
An Equal
The Tarts
Come, Let's to Bed
Little Maid
What Are Little Boys Made Of?
Bandy Legs
The Girl and the Birds
A Pig
Jenny Wren
Little Tom Tucker
Where Are You Going, My Pretty Maid?
The Old Woman of Gloucester
Multiplication Is Vexation
Little King Boggen
Bell Horses
The Robin
The Old Woman of Harrow
Young Roger and His Dolly
The Piper and His Cow
The Man of Derby
The Coachman
There Was an Old Woman
A Thorn
The Old Woman of Surrey
The Little Mouse
Boy and Girl
Sing, Sing
London Bridge
March Winds
The Balloon
A Cherry
The Lost Shoe
Hot Codlins
Three Straws
The Man of Tobago
Ding, Dong Bell
A Sunshiny Shower
The Farmer and the Raven
Willy Boy
Polly and Sukey
The Death and Burial of Poor Cock Robin
The Mouse and the Clock
Hot Cross Buns
Bobby Shaftoe
The Bunch of Blue Ribbons
The Woman of Exeter
Pussy-Cat by the Fire
When the Snow Is on the Ground

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