Our Little Carthaginian Cousin of Long Ago by  Clara Vostrovsky Winlow

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Our Little Carthaginian Cousin of Long Ago
by Clara Vostrovsky Winlow
Through the story of Hanno, a boy of Carthage, we gain insight into the Carthaginians, a nation of sea-farers and traders, who amassed so much wealth and power that they became Rome's arch enemy. We follow Hanno on a voyage to the Tin Islands and the Baltic, then on a series of adventures at home in Carthage, and finally his exploits with Hannibal in Spain and Italy.  Ages 8-10
85 pages $10.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

An Adventurous Voyage
The Voyage Continued
A Young Artist
A Day in the Suburbs
Various Happenings
The Festival
With Hannibal

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