The Rose and the Ring by  William Makepeace Thackeray

Table of Contents

Front Matter

How the Royal Family Sate Down to Breakfast
How Valoroso Got the Crown and Giglio Went Without
Who the Fairy Blackstick Was
How Blackstick Was Not Asked to the Christening
How Princess Angelica Took a Little Maid
How Prince Giglio Behaved Himself
How Giglio and Angelica Had a Quarrel
How Gruffanuff Picked the Fairy Ring Up
How Betsinda Got the Warming-Pan
How King Valoroso Was in a Dreadful Passion
What Gruffanuff Did to Giglio and Betsinda
How Betsinda Fled, and What Became of Her
How Queen Rosalba Came to the Castle of the Count
What Became of Giglio
We Return to Rosalba
How Hedzoff Rode Back to King Giglio
How a Tremendous Battle Took Place and Who Won It
How They All Journeyed Back to the Capital
And Now We Come to the Last Scene in the Pantomime

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