In the Days of Queen Victoria by  Eva March Tappan

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In the Days of Queen Victoria
by Eva March Tappan
Story of the life of Queen Victoria, a well-beloved woman who became queen at eighteen and for nearly 64 years wore the crown of Great Britain. Relates her training for the monarchy and the exemplary way she executed her duties, while managing a household of nine children.  Ages 11-15
261 pages $12.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Baby Drina
The Schooldays of a Princess
Examination Day
A Queen at Eighteen
The Coronation
The Coming of the Prince
Housekeeping in a Palace
A Home of Our Own
Nis! Nis! Nis! Hurrah!
The Royal Young People
The Queen in Sorrow
The Little Folk
Mother and Empress
The Jubilee Season
The Queen and the Children
The Closing Years

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