The World's Story: England by  Eva March Tappan

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Building of Stonehenge
King Leir and His Daughters
A City in the Lake
The Sacred Grove
Julius Cæsar's Two Visits to Britain
A Messenger from Rome
How the Romans Lived in Britain
The Converted Britons
The Anglo-Saxon Invasion
King Arthur Receives the Round Table
Galahad and the Quest of the Sangreal
The Passing of Arthur
The Stolen Boys
How King Edwin of Northumbria Became a Christian
The Baptism of Edwin
The Coming of the Sea-Rovers
The Fall of the Monastery at Croyland
King Edmund and the Wolf
What the Boy Alfred Saw in London
King Alfred on Athelney
"One Rule for Angle and for Dane"
The Last Danish Invasion
The Norman Conquest
The Battle of Hastings
How the Doomsday Book Was Made
What the English Thought of William the Conqueror
The Rescue of the Princess of Cornwall
From William the Red to John Lackland
The Reign of the Red King
The White Ship
The Escape of Maude from the Castle at Oxford
The Castle-Builders of the Reign of Stephen
The Struggle between the King and the Archbishop
The Story of John Lackland
Stories of the Age of Richard the Lion-Hearted
The Tournament of Ashby-de-la-Zouche
The Archery Contest
A Trial by Single Combat
Robin Hood and Little John
Prince Arthur and the Keeper Hubert
Friar Bacon's Brazen Head
The Later Plantagenet Kings
The Battle of Evesham
In the Days of Edward III
The First Expedition of Edward III
Wiclif on Trial
The Revolt of the Peasants
The Hunting of the Cheviot
The Mystery Plays
Country Life in the Day of the Plantagenets
Lancaster and York
The Coronation of Henry IV
Two Scenes in the Life of Henry V
The Ballad of Agincourt
Morning of the Battle of Agincourt
Queen Margaret and the Robber
When the King Returned from Holland
The Children of Edward IV
The Tudor Kings
The Impostor who Claimed the Crown of Henry VII
The Funeral of Elizabeth of York, Wife of Henry VI
The Field of the Cloth of Gold
Cardinal Wolsey Going in Procession
The Fall of Cardinal Wolsey
The Trial of Sir Thomas More
The Appeal of Anne Askew
From Edward VI to the Death of Mary
The Execution of the "Twelve-Days' Queen"
The Coming of Philip II
England's Reconciliation with Rome
Cranmer at the Traitors' Gate
In the Days of Queen Elizabeth
The Great Queen as a Little Child
Sir Walter Raleigh and His Cloak
The Boyhood of Raleigh
When Elizabeth Came to Kenilworth
The Armada
The Fight with the Invincible Armada
The Last Moments of Queen Elizabeth
The Revenge: A Ballad of the Fleet

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