Gateway to the Classics: The Discovery of New Worlds by M. B. Synge
The Discovery of New Worlds by  M. B. Synge


The Armies of the North
Christians to the Lions
Christopher Columbus
Columbus in Chains
Conquest of Peru
Dante's Great Poem
The Dark Ages
The Days of Chivalry
Decline of the Roman Empire
The Destruction of Pompeii
Discovery of the New World
Discovery of the Pacific
A Famous Voyage
The Finding of Mexico
The First Crusade
Follow the Leader
Frederick Barbarossa
Golden Goa
A Great Awakening
The Great Fire in Rome
A Great Mistake
A Great World Power
The Hardy Northmen
The Hero of Two Nations
How the Northmen Conquered England
India at Last
The Invention of Printing
King Arthur and His Knights
The Last of the Moors
Magellan's Great Plan
Magellan's Straits
The Maid of Orleans
Marcus Aurelius
A New Rome
The New Trade-Route
Prince Henry, the Sailor
Queen of the Adriatic
The Roman World
Round the World
The Sea of Darkness
Siege and Fall of Mexico
A Spanish Hero
The Stormy Cape
The Story of Marco Polo
The Third Crusade
The Tragedy of Nero
Vasco da Gama's Great Voyage
Voyage and Shipwreck
The West Indies

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