Aesop's Fables by  J. H. Stickney

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Wolf and the Lamb
The Fox and the Lion
The Dog and His Shadow
The Crab and His Mother
The Fox and the Grapes
The Wolf and the Crane
The Ants and the Grasshoppers
The Frogs Who Asked for a King
The Donkey in the Lion's Skin
The Mice in Council
The Kid and the Wolf
The Hawk and the Nightingale
The Crow and the Pitcher
The Ant and the Dove
The Ox and the Frog
The Bat and the Weasels
The Fox and the Goat
The Woman and Her Hen
The Dog in the Manger
The Mouse, the Frog and the Hawk
The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf
The Fisherman and the Little Fish
The Fox and the Crow
The Partridge and the Fowler
The Thirsty Pigeon
The Three Tradesmen
The Hares and the Frogs
The Eagle and the Arrow
The Eagle and the Fox
The Drum and the Vase of Sweet Herbs
The Two Frogs
The Lion and the Mouse
The Mouse, the Cat, and the Cock
The Ax and the Trees
The Jackdaw and the Sheep
The Cat and the Cock
The Wolf and the Goat
The Hen and the Swallow
Stone Broth
The Mule and the Grasshoppers
The Gnat and the Bull
The Fox and a Crab
The Donkey and the Frogs
The Nurse and the Wolf
The Cat and the Martins
The Cock and the Fox
The Horse and His Rider
The Fox and the Stork
The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox
The Fly and the Moth
The Boy Bathing
The Hare and the Tortoise
The Arab and His Camel
The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail
The Boys and the Frogs
The Swallows and the Other Birds
The Farmer and the Snake
The Raven and the Swan
The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat
The Man, His Son, and His Donkey
The Country Mouse and the City Mouse
The Cock and the Jewel
The Old Hound
The Vain Jackdaw
The Donkey and the Lap Dog
The One-Eyed Doe
The Camel
The Wolf and the House Dog
The Oak and the Reed
The Dog and the Hare
The Hawk, Kite, and Pigeons
The War Horse and the Mule
The Wind and the Sun
The Bear and the Two Travelers
Two Goats
The Bull and the Calf
The Fawn and His Mother
The Mule and His Shadow
The Blind Man and the Lame Man
The Two Pots
The Quack Frog
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
The Boy and the Filberts
The Miser
The Widow and Her Little Maids
The Charcoal Burner and the Fuller
The Porcupine and the Snakes
The Bundle of Sticks
The Mischievous Dog
The Dog and the Oyster
The Fox and the Leopard
The Dogs and the Hides
The Woodman and the Trees
The Milkmaid and Her Pail of Milk
The Cat and the Fox
The Monkey and the Cat
The Wolf and the Shepherd
The Wolf, the Fox and the Ape
The Blind Man and the Whelp
The Spendthrift and the Swallow
The Boar and the Fox
Hercules and the Wagoner
The Mules and the Robbers
The Swallow and the Crow
Jupiter and the Bee
The Two Travelers
The Kid and the Wolf
The Gourd and the Pine
The Hare and the Hound
The Owl and the Grasshopper
The Mule Eating Thistles
The Sick Stag
The Wolf and the Shepherds
The Boy and the Nettle
The Hares and the Foxes
Mercury and the Woodman
The Rat and the Elephant
The Husbandman and the Stork
The Satyr and the Traveler
The Stag at the Lake
The Peasant and the Apple Tree
Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus
The Farthing Rushlight
The Horse and the Groom
The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
The Boasting Traveler
The Hedge and the Vineyard
The Mouse and the Weasel
The Wolf and the Sheep
The Widow and Her Sheep
The Man and the Lion
The Lioness
The Boy Who Stole Apples
The Goose with the Golden Eggs
The Old Man and Death
A Father and His Two Daughters
The Sick Lion and the Fox
The Mountain in Labor
Jupiter and the Camel
The Moon and Her Mother
The Horse and the Stag
The Council Held by the Rats
The Rain Cloud
The Elephant in Favor
The Cuckoo and the Eagle
The Fox in the Ice
The Inquisitive Man
The Squirrel in Service
The Wolf and the Cat
The Wolf and the Lamb
The Fox and the Lion
The Dog and His Shadow
The Crab and His Mother
The Fox and the Grapes
The Wolf and the Crane
The Ants and the Grasshoppers
The Frogs Who Asked for a King
The Donkey in the Lion's Skin
The Mice in Council
The Kid and the Wolf
The Hawk and the Nightingale
The Crow and the Pitcher
The Ant and the Dove
The Ox and the Frog
The Bat and the Weasels
The Fox and the Goat
The Woman and Her Hen
The Dog in the Manger
The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk
The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
The Fisherman and the Little Fish
The Fox and the Crow
The Partridge and the Fowler
The Thirsty Pigeon
The Three Tradesmen
The Hares and the Frogs
The Eagle and the Fox

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