The Highlands of Galilee by  J. Paterson Smyth

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When the Christ Came—The Highlands of Galilee
by J. Paterson Smyth
This fifth volume in The Bible for School and Home series begins with the long-awaited birth of Jesus, then considers the significance of His visit to the Temple, and His Baptism and Temptation. With the calling of the disciples, we move to the primary focus of this volume: His public ministry in Galilee. Some of the highlights include the discussions about the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord's Prayer, and the Parable of the Sower.  Ages 14-18
191 pages $13.95   

Table of Contents

How the Christ-Child Came
Early Days
The Baptism and Temptation
The First Disciples
The Wedding in Cana of Galilee
The Wrath of the Lamb
How Jesus Came to Galilee
The Call of the Four Fishermen
The First Sabbath in Capernaum
Rejected in His Home Town
The Man Who Came through the Roof
St. Matthew and His Banquet
The Busy Strenuous Life of Jesus
How To Keep Sunday
The Kingdom of God
The Founding of the Kingdom
The Prayer of the Kingdom
A Parable of the Kingdom
The High School of the Kingdom
Some Precepts of the Kingdom
Coming Down from the Mountain
John the Baptist Again
The Considerateness of Christ
At Caesarea Philippi
Farewell to Galilee

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