Merry Tales by  Eleanor L. Skinner and Ada M. Skinner

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

The Monkey and the Crocodile
The Hillman and the Housewife
The Fishing Party
The Forest Bailiff
Bruin and Reynard Partners
The Three Wishes
The Pigtail
The Stone Lion
The Story That Had No End
The King's Rabbit Keeper
The Leaping Match
The Clever Turtle
Robin Goodfellow
Merlin's Crag
The Story of Li'l' Hannibal
How Timothy Won the Princess
The Overturned Cart
The Jackal and the Alligator
Finn and the Fairy Shoemaker
Making the Best of it
The Brownie of Blednock
How Olaf Brought the Brownie Back
The Poor Little Turkey Girl
Meadow Fiddlers
Castle Fortune
A Little Dutch Garden
True Friendship

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