A Child's Own Book of Verse, Book Three by  Ada M. Skinner and Frances Gillespy Wickes

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A Child's Own Book of Verse, Book Three
by Ada Skinner
Third volume of A Child's Own Book of Verse, a three-volume set planned for use during the four primary years. This unusually fine collection of poetry was selected with the child's interests in mind. Includes sound rhymes and jingles to appeal to the ear, descriptive poems to create images in the mind's eye, lullabies and lyrics to warm the heart, and story-telling poems to stir the imagination. Attractively illustrated by Maud and Miska Petersham.  Ages 7-10
130 pages $10.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

White Horses
The World of Wonder
Gaelic Lullaby
The Windy Night
The Brook
On the Desert
The Owlet
A Canadian Folk-Song
An Old Song Re-sung
Robert of Lincoln
Out in the Cold
Milking Song
Scythe Song
White Butterflies
The Green Gnome
A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea
The Pine Lady
Song of Illyrian Peasants
The Old, Old Song
The Eagle
The Sands of Dee
The Tiger
Ghost Fairies
Kentucky Babe
Fairy Dawn
Song of the Elf
Song for Music
The Fairy Queen
Lullaby for Titania
Over Hill, Over Dale
Dirge on the Death of Oberon, the Fairy King
On the Grasshopper and the Cricket
To Daffodils
The Cloud
Auld Daddy Darkness
Wee Davie Daylight
The Sea
Old Winter
The First Snow Fall
The Unbroken Song
De Sheepfol'
Home Thoughts from Abroad
Hunting Song
The Bugle Song
The Hag
The Dustman
Cuddle Doon
Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates
The Chambered Nautilus
To an Autumn Leaf
The Captain Stood on the Carronade
The Whale
The Cavalier's Escape
The Salcombe Seaman's Flaunt
Lord Lovel
Jane Jones
Sir Patrick Spens
How Sleep the Brave
The Burial of Sir John Moore
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
The Bonnets o' Bonnie Dundee
The Campbells Are Comin'
My Heart's in the Highlands
The Skeleton in Armor
Ceremonies for Christmas
The Inchcape Rock
The Forsaken Merman
The Charge of the Light Brigade
The Star-Spangled Banner
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Paul Revere's Ride
Nathan Hale

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