A Child's Own Book of Verse, Book One by  Ada M. Skinner and Frances Gillespy Wickes

Little Cock-Sparrow

A little cock-sparrow sat on a green tree,

And he chirruped, he chirruped, so merry was he;

A little cock-sparrow sat on a green tree,

And he chirruped, he chirruped, so merry was he.

A naughty boy came with his wee bow and arrow,

Determined to shoot this little cock-sparrow.

A naughty boy came with his wee bow and arrow,

Determined to shoot this little cock-sparrow.

"This little cock-sparrow shall make me a stew,

And his giblets shall make me a little pie, too."

"Oh, no!" said the sparrow, "I won't  make a stew."

So he flapped his wings, and away he flew.

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