A Child's Own Book of Verse, Book One by  Ada M. Skinner and Frances Gillespy Wickes

Who Likes the Rain?

"I," said the duck, "I call it fun,

For I have my little red rubbers on;

They make a cunning three-toed track

In the soft, cool mud. Quack! Quack!"

"I," cried the dandelion, "I,

My roots are thirsty, my buds are dry."

And she lifted a towsled yellow head

Out of her green and grassy bed.

"I hope 't will pour! I hope 't will pour!"

Purred the tree-toad at his gray back door,

"For, with a broad leaf for a roof,

I am perfectly weatherproof."

Sang the brook: "I laugh at every drop,

And wish they never need to stop

Till a big river I grew to be,

And could find my way to the sea."

"I," shouted Ted, "for I can run,

With my high-top boots and my rain-coat on,

Through every puddle and runlet, and pool

That I find on my way to school."

— Clara Doty Bates

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