Eastern Stories and Legends by  Marie L. Shedlock


The Banyan Deer
The Bull That Demanded Fair Treatment
The Bull That Proved His Gratitude
The Crow That Thought It Knew
The Dreamer in the Wood
The Elephant That Spared Life
The Elephant That Was Honored in Old Age
The Faithful Friend
Grandmother's Golden Dish
The Hare That Ran Away
The Hare That Was Not Afraid To Die
The Hawk and the Osprey
The Horse That Held Out to the End
How the Antelope Was Caught
The Judas Tree
The King Who Saw the Truth
The Mallard That Asked for Too Much
The Man Who Told a Lie
The Man Who Worked To Give Alms
The Merchant Who Overcame All Obstacles
The Monkey That Saved the Herd
The Monkey and the Crocodile
The Parrot That Fed His Parents
The Poisonous Trees
The Pupil Who Taught His Teacher
The Rice Measure
The River-Fish and the Money
The Spirit That Lived in a Tree
The Well-Trained Elephant
The Wise Physician

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