The Children's Book by  Horace E. Scudder

Table of Contents

The Wolf and the Lamb
The Fox and the Grapes
The Tortoise and the Hare
The Cat and the Mice
The Farmer and His Sons
The Woman and Her Maids
The Two Packs
The Frogs Ask for a King
The Fox in the Well
The Wolf and the Crane
The Cat, the Weasel, and the Young Rabbit
The Lion and the Mouse
The Goose That Laid Golden Eggs
The Boys and the Frogs
The Lion, the Ass, and the Fox
The Astrologer
The Shepherd-Boy and the Wolf
The Farmer's Sons
The Stag and the Lion
Hercules and the Wagoner
The Sun and the Wind
Belling the Cat
The Farmer and the Stork
The Crab and His Mother
The Cat, the Monkey, and the Chestnuts
The Crow and the Pitcher
The Lion and the Fox
A Country Fellow and a River
The Belly and the Members
The Fox That Lost Its Tail
The Archer and the Eagle
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The Crow and the Fox
The Jackdaw and the Doves
The Fox and the Lion
The Tortoise and the Eagle
The Boy and the Nettle
The Dog and the Wolf
The Boy That Stole Apples
The Fox and the Stork
The Wolf and the Goat
The Lion in Love
The Kite and the Pigeons
The Ass in the Lion's Skin
The Dog and His Shadow
The Lark and Her Young Ones
The Traveler and the Viper
The Frog and the Ox
The Dog in the Manger
The Flies and the Pot of Honey
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
The Country Maid and Her Milk-Pail
The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse
The Lioness and the Fox
The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass
The Wolves and the Sheep
The Spendthrift and the Swallow
The Arab and His Camel
The Old Man and Death
The Choice of Hercules
The Story of Chicken Licken
The Three Bears
The Elves and the Shoemaker
The Frog-Prince
The Jew in the Bush
The King of the Golden Mountain
The Fisherman and His Wife
Jorinda and Jorindel
The Six Swans
The Fair One with the Golden Locks
Little One Eye, Little Two Eyes, Little Three Eyes
The Traveling Musicians
The White Cat
Prince Cherry
The Golden Bird
Riquet with the Tuft
The Nose
Little Birdie
The Lamb
The Child's Desire
The Little Doves
Pretty Cow
Twinkle, Twinkle
Willie Winkie
Willie Winkie, with the Scotticisms Changed
Good-Night and Good-Morning
Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild
Cradle Song
Cinderella; or, The Glass Slipper
Hans in Luck
The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood
Jack the Giant-Killer
Tom Thumb
Puss in Boots
Little Red Riding-Hood
Beauty and the Beast
Sir Richard Whittington and His Cat
Blue Beard
The History of Fortunatus
Jack and the Bean-Stalk
The History of Valentine and Orson
Clever Alice
The Children in the Wood
Mary's Lamb
The Spider and His Wife
The Notorious Glutton
Dirty Jack
The Chatterbox
Meddlesome Matty
The Pin
Never Play with Fire
The Pond
The Cow and the Ass
Nose and Eyes
The Wind in a Frolic
The Diverting History of John Gilpin
The Spider and the Fly
A Visit from St. Nicholas
The Mountain and the Squirrel
Holy Thursday
An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
The Constant Tin Soldier
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Daisy
The Ugly Duckling
The Fir-Tree
The Flax
The Swineherd
The Lovers
Little Claus and Big Claus
The Darning-Needle
The Red Shoes
The Nightingale
The Princess on the Pea
Holger Danske
The Shepherdess and the Chimney-Sweep
"What the Good-Man Does Is Sure To Be Right"
The Little Match Girl
The Bell
Arabian Nights
The History of the Fisherman
The Story of the Enchanted Horse
The Story of Aladdin; or The Wonderful Lamp
The Adventures of the Caliph Haroun Al-Raschid
The History of Ali Baba, and of the Forty Robbers
The Story of Sindbad the Sailor
The Story of the Little Hunchback
The Story of the Barmecide Feast
John Barleycorn
Robin Hood and Allin a Dale
Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford
The Hunting of the Cheviot
King John and the Abbot of Canterbury
Sweet William's Ghost
Sir Patrick Spens
The Heir of Linne
The Dragon of Wantley
The Renowned History of Goody Two-Shoes
The Renowned History of Mrs. Margery Two-Shoes
Eyes, and No Eyes; or, The Art of Seeing
The Boy without Genius
A Tale of Potted Sprats
Waste Not, Want Not; or, Two Strings to Your Bow
The Discontented Pendulum
A Voyage to Lilliput
Travels of Baron Munchausen
The Pet Lamb
Poor Susan
Epitaph on a Hare
Llewellyn and His Dog
Paul Revere's Ride
Goody Blake and Harry Gill
How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix
Lucy Gray
Old Ironsides
The Skeleton in Armor
The Burial of Sir John Moore
Lord Ullin's Daughter
The Wreck of the Hesperus
The Beggar Maid
The Horse of Wood
The Cyclops
The Story of King Croesus
The Expedition of the Argonauts

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