Fairy Tales Too Good to Miss—Along the Way by  Lisa M. Ripperton

Table of Contents

The House on the Hill
Little Spider's First Web
Chicken Licken
Johnny and the Three Goats
The Story of Li'l' Hannibal
The Tale of a Black Cat
The Wolf and the Fox
Another Little Red Hen
The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean
Why the Bear Sleeps All Winter
How Jack Went To Seek His Fortune
Little Tuppens
Sweet Porridge
Why the Bear Is Stumpy-Tailed
The Hobyahs
The Three Sillies
Little Topknot
The Fox and the Rooster
The Cock and Hen That Went to Dovrefell
The Greedy Cat
The Story That Had No End
The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage
The Magpie's Nest
The Dear Little Hen
The Foolish, Timid, Little Hare
The Queen Bee
Munacher and Manacher
Mother Hulda
The King of the Birds
The Cat, the Cock, and the Fox
The Wee, Wee Mannie and the Big, Big Coo
The Bremen Town Musicians

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