Otto of the Silver Hand by  Howard Pyle

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Otto of the Silver Hand
by Howard Pyle
A stirring tale of medieval Germany in the days of robber barons and deadly feuds. The kidnapping of Otto, his adventures among the rough soldiers, and his daring rescue, make for a spirited and thrilling story. The author says of his tale that it 'is of a little boy who lived and suffered in those dark middle ages; of how he saw both the good and the bad of men, and of how, by gentleness and love and not by strife and hatred, he came at last to stand above other men and to be looked up to by all.' Vigorous illustrations by the author add much to the interest of the book.  Ages 11-14
149 pages $11.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Dragon's House
How the Baron Went Forth To Shear
How the Baron Came Home Shorn
The White Cross on the Hill
How Otto Dwelt at St. Michaelsburg
How Otto Lived in the Dragon's House
The Red Cock Crows on Drachenhausen
In the House of the Dragon Scorner
How One-eyed Hans Came to Trutz-Drachen
How Hans Brought Terror to the Kitchen
How Otto Was Saved
A Ride for Life
How Baron Conrad Held the Bridge
How Otto Saw the Great Emperor

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