American History Stories, Volume I by  Mara L. Pratt

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American History Stories, Volume I
by Mara L. Pratt
Stories of early exploration and founding of American colonies, conflicts over religion, and troubles with the Indians, culminating in the French and Indian War.  Ages 8-12
168 pages $11.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Long Ago
Early Discoveries
Christopher Columbus
The Voyage
Other Great Explorers
English Explorers
Sir Francis Drake
Sir Walter Raleigh
The Colonies
Plymouth Colony
The Puritans
The Dutch in America
Other Colonies
Customs in the Colonies
The New England Primer
Manner of Dress
Pine-tree Shillings
Education in the Colonies
Salem Witchcraft
Religious Troubles
William Penn
Indian Troubles
King Philip's War
French and Indian War
George Washington in the French and Indian War
How the Colonies Grew United

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