Among the Pond People by  Clara Dillingham Pierson

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Among the Pond People
by Clara Dillingham Pierson
Presents the adventures of Mother Eel, the Playful Muskrat, the Snappy Snapping Turtle, and the other Pond People. These stories are full of humor, yet cleverly convey information about the frogs, minnows, and other pond residents and often suggest a moral in a delicate manner which no child could resist.  Ages 5-7
147 pages $10.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Biggest Frog Awakens
The Dance of the Sand-Hill Cranes
The Young Minnow Who Would Not Eat When He Should
The Stickleback Father
The Careless Caddis Worm
The Tadpole Who Wanted To Be Grown-Up
The Runaway Water Spiders
The Slow Little Mud Turtle
The Dragon-Fly Children and the Snapping Turtle
The Snappy Snapping Turtle
The Clever Water-Adder
The Good Little Cranes Who Were Bad
The Oldest Dragon-Fly Nymph
The Eels' Moving Night
The Crayfish Mother
Two Little Crayfishes Quarrel
The Lucky Mink
The Playful Muskrats

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