The Problem of Servants
coming here we have seen so many Indians as
to become acquainted with them, which is to say, that
we no longer look upon them as savages, and have no
fear to stand in the road when they pass. But those
whom Susan and I had seen, up to the day when
Chickatabut, the chief man of the Massachusetts tribe,
came, were only common people, and such
servants as are employed here in the
town, for you must
know that more than
one family has a Narragansett Indian, or, mayhap, a Nipmuck,
to work in the house.
Mother says that she
would rather do all the
work of the house
alone, than have one of the brown women to help
her, for they are not cleanly to look upon, but as for
myself, I think I could stand the sight of one of them,
especially when it comes to soap making, of which I
will tell you later.
Of course there are times when housewives must
have some one to aid them, and those girls or women
among us who would go out to work in the house are not
many in numbers, therefore one must put up with the
Indians, which is unpleasant, or take those who are
known as indentured servants, meaning the people
who have agreed with the Massachusetts Bay Company
to work for so many years, in order to pay for their
passage over from England.
As for these last people, mother will not have them in
the house, because of being afraid that we may not get
one of good morals. Therefore in our home mother
and I do all that is needed, rather than have around us
people of whom we know nothing.