A Change of Governors
was the third year after our coming, that Master
John Cotton, the famous preacher, settled among us,
taking upon himself, because of the entreaties of our
people, the care of the First Church.
It was also in this same year that a new governor
was chosen, much to the regret of both Susan and me,
for while we girls could not be expected to know anything
regarding the matter, it surely seemed to us that
Master Winthrop was the very best man in all this
world to rule over us.
But those who had the privilege of voting must have
believed otherwise, for they elected Master Thomas
Dudley in his stead, and made Master Winthrop one
of the assistants in the Council.
With the exception of that, and the trouble which
Master Roger Williams, the great preacher, was making,
nothing disturbed us. Our town continued to
grow fast, until we began to believe that before many
years had passed it would be even as great a city as
could be found in England, with, of course, the exception of London.