Vasco Nunez de Balboa by  Frederick A. Ober

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Man-of-the-Barrel
Leader of a Forlorn Hope
Balboa Asserts his Supremacy
Balboa Captures a Princess
The Caciques of Darien
First Tidings of the Pacific
A Search for the Golden Temple
Conspiracy of the Caciques
How the Conspiracy was Defeated
Dissensions in the Colony
Balboa Strengthens his Arm
Quest for the Austral Ocean
On the Shores of the Pacific
A Rival in the Field
Pedrarias, the Scourge of Darien
In the Domain of the Dragons
A Compact with the Enemy
Building the Brigantines
Imprisoned and in Chains
The End of Vasco Nunez de Balboa

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