Historical Tales: Roman by  Charles Morris

Table of Contents

Front Matter

How Rome Was Founded
The Sabine Virgins
The Horatii and the Curiatii
The Dynasty of the Tarquins
The Books of the Sibyl
The Story of Lucretia
How Brave Horatius Kept the Bridge
The Battle of Lake Regillus
The Revolt of the People
The Revenge of Coriolanus
Cincinnatus and the Aequians
The Sacrifice of Virginia
Camillus at the Siege of Veii
The Gauls at Rome
The Curtian Gulf
Anecdotes of the Latin and Samnite Wars
The Caudine Forks
The Fate of Regulus
Hannibal Crosses the Alps
How Hannibal Fought and Died
Archimedes at the Siege of Syracuse
The Fate of Carthage
The Gracchi and Their Fall
Jugurtha, the Purchaser of Rome
The Exile and Revenge of Marius
The Proscription of Sulla
The Revolt of the Gladiators
Caesar and the Pirates
Caesar and Pompey
The Assassination of Caesar
Antony and Cleopatra
An Imperial Monster
The Murder of an Empress
Boadicea, the Heroine of Britain
Rome Swept by Flames
The Doom of Nero
The Sports of the Amphitheatre
The Reign of a Glutton
The Faithful Eponina
The Siege of Jerusalem
The Destruction of Pompeii
An Imperial Savage
The Deeds of Constantine
The Goths Cross the Danube
The Downfall of Rome

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