Historical Tales: German by  Charles Morris

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Hermann, the Hero of Germany
Albion and Rosamond
The Career of Grimoald
Wittekind, the Saxon Patriot
The Raids of the Sea-Rovers
The Career of Bishop Hatto
The Misfortunes of Duke Ernst
The Reign of Otto II
The Fortunes of Henry the Fourth
Anecdotes of Mediaeval Germany
Frederick Barbarossa and Milan
The Crusade of Frederick II
The Fall of the Ghibellines
The Tribunal of the Holy Vehm
William Tell and the Swiss Patriots
The Black Death and the Flagellants
The Swiss at Morgarten
A Mad Emperor
Sempach and Arnold Winkelried
Ziska, the Blind Warrior
The Siege of Belgrade
Luther and the Indulgences
Solyman the Magnificent at Guntz
The Peasants and the Anabaptists
The Fortunes of Wallenstein
The End of Two Great Soldiers
The Siege of Vienna
The Youth of Frederick the Great
Voltaire and Frederick the Great
Scenes from the Seven Year's War
The Patriots of the Tyrol
The Old Empire and the New

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