Historical Tales: French by  Charles Morris

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Huns at Orleans
The Wooing of Clotilde
The Rival Queens
Roland at Roncesvalles
Charlemagne and the Avars
The Crowning of Charlemagne
Peter the Hermit
The Commune of Laon
How Big Ferre Fought for France
Bertrand du Guesclin
Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orleans
The Career of a Knight-Errant
Louis the Politic and Charles the Bold
Charles the Bold and the Swiss
Bayard, the Good Knight
Episodes in the Life of a Traitor
St. Bartholomew's Day
King Henry of Navarre
The Murder of a King
Richelieu and the Conspirators
The Parliament of Paris
A Martyr to his Profession
The Man with the Iron Mask
Voltaire's Last Visit to Paris
The Diamond Necklace
The Fall of the Bastille
The Story of Sainte Amoule
The Flight of the King
The End of the Terror
The Burning of Moscow
Napoleon's Return from Elba
The Prussian War and the Paris Commune

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