The Bee People by  Margaret Warner Morley

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The Bee People
by Margaret Warner Morley
An attractive introduction to the curious structure, habits, and activities of bees, in which readers learn how the bees' wondrous body parts equip them to gather nectar and pollen, construct the hive, and nurture the young, and how the different kinds of bees interact in the life of the hive. Over one hundred pen drawings by the author illustrate the features described in the text.  Ages 8-12
118 pages $10.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Apis Mellifica, or the Honey-Bee
Apis Mellifica and Her Eyes
Her Tongue
Her Honey-Sac
Ambrosia and Nectar
Miss Apis's Legs
Her Wings
How She Hears and Smells
Her Sting
Miss Apis and Her Sisters
The Brothers
The Queen
The Work in the Hive—The Manufacture of Wax
Honey and Honey-Dew
The Family Exodus
The New Queen
Fancies and Facts about Bees
Bombus, the Bumble-Bee

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