Gateway to the Classics: Scotland's Story by Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall
Scotland's Story by  Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall

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Scotland's Story
by H. E. Marshall
A child's history of Scotland, from legendary days through the time when the kingdoms of Scotland and England were joined together. Relates in vigorous prose the thrilling exploits of the heroes and heroines who defended Scotland from its English invaders. Includes the stories of Macbeth, William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, Mary Queen of Scots, the poet king and the beautiful lady of the garden, the Glen of Weeping and many others.  Ages 10-14
531 pages $20.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

The Story of Prince Gathelus
A Fight with the Romans
The March of the Romans
The Story of Saint Columba
How the French and the Scots Became Friends
The Last of the Picts
How a Ploughman Won a Battle
Macbeth and the Three Weird Sisters
Macbeth—The Murder of Banquo
Macbeth—The Thane of Fife
Macbeth—How Birnam Wood Came to Dunsinane
Malcolm Canmore—The King Overcame a Traitor
Malcolm Canmore—Saint Margaret to Scotland
The Story of Pierce-Eye
The Reigns of Donald Bane, Duncan, and Edgar
Alexander I., The Fierce
David I.—Battle of the Standard
William I., The Lion
The Story of Alexander II.
Alexander III.—The King Was Crowned
Alexander III.—The Taming of the Ravens
Alexander III.—How a Lady Took a Knight
Alexander III.—How the King Rode Home
The Maid of Norway
John Baliol—The Siege of Berwick
John Baliol—The Last of Toom Tabard
The Adventures of Sir William Wallace
Wallace—The Black Parliament of Ayr
Wallace—The Battle of Stirling Bridge
Wallace—The Battle of Falkirk
Wallace—The Turning of a Loaf
Bruce—How the Bruce Struck a Blow
Bruce—How the King Was Crowned
Bruce—If at First You Don't Succeed
Bruce—The King Tries Again
Bruce—The Fight at the Ford
Bruce—How the King Escaped from Traitors
Bruce—The Taking of Perth
Bruce—How Two Castles Were Won
Bruce—How the Castle of Edinburgh Was Taken
Bruce—How Sir Henry de Bohun Met His Death
Bruce—The Battle of Bannockburn
Bruce—How the Scots Carried War into England
Bruce—The Heart of the King
David II.—The Story of Black Agnes
David II.—The Battle of Neville's Cross
Robert II.—French and Scots Made War
Robert II.—The Battle of Otterburn
Robert III.—A Fearful Highland Tournament
Robert III.—The Duke of Rothesay
Regent Albany—The Battle of Harlaw
Regent Murdoch—The Scots in France
James I.—The Beautiful Lady of the Garden
James I.—The Poet King
James II. The Black Dinner
James II.—Fall of the Black Douglases
James III.—The Story of the Boyds
James III.—How a Mason Became an Earl
James III.—The Battle of Sauchieburn
James IV.—The Story of a Great Sea Fight
James IV.—The Thistle and the Rose
James IV.—Flodden Field
James V.—Fall of the Red Douglases
James V.—Story of Johnnie Armstrong
James V.—The Goodman of Ballengiech
James V.—King of the Commons
Mary Queen of Scots—France
Mary—Darnley and Rizzio
Mary—How the Queen Was Made Prisoner Again
James VI.—King's Men and Queen's Men
James VI.—Death of Two Queens
James VI.—New Scotland
Charles I.—The King and the Covenant
Charles I.—How the Soldier Poet Helped
Cromwell—How the Soldier Poet Died
Cromwell—For the Crown
Charles II.—How the King Came to His Own
Charles II.—The Church among the Hills
James VII.—A Forlorn Hope
James VII.—The Battle of Killiecrankie
William III. and Mary II.—Glen of Weeping
William III.—Fortune's Gilded Sails
Anne—How the Union Jack Was Made
George I.—For the King over the Water
George II.—A Story of Smugglers
George II.—How Prince Charlie Came Home
George II.—Wanderings of the Bonnie Prince
George III.—About a Greater Conqueror
George IV.—God Save the King

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