Gateway to the Classics: Stories of Roland by H. E. Marshall
Stories of Roland by  H. E. Marshall

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[Purchase Book]
Stories of Roland Told to the Children
by H. E. Marshall
Ten illustrated stories from the song of Roland, simply but effectively told, relating how Roland and Oliver died, of Charlemagne's vengeance on Marsil the Saracen and of the punishment of the traitor Ganelon. The treatment is romantic, the style picturesque.  Ages 8-10
88 pages $9.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

King Marsil's Council
The Emperor Charlemagne's Council
Ganelon's Treason
Roland's Pride
Roland Sounds His Horn
The Death of Oliver
The Death of Roland
The Return of Charlemagne
The Coming of the Emir of Babylon
The Punishment of Ganelon

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