Our Empire Story by  H. E. Marshall


"The Heavenly Dawn" and "The Wild Cabbage Leaf"
"There Is Nothing New under the Sun"
About the Black Napoleon
The Adventures of George Bass and Matthew Flinders
The Adventures of La Salle
The Adventures of La Salle (continued)
Alexander the Great Invades India
The Apostle of New Zealand
The Battle of Plassey
The Beginning of the Hudson Bay Company
The Black Hole
The Bushrangers
The Coming of the British
The Coming of the Dutch
The Coming of the French
Count Frontenac
Dingaan's Treachery
Dutch and English
Early Days
The Empress of India
Facing Fearful Odds
The Father of New France
The Feast of Eat-Everything
The Finding of Gold
The First Afghan War
The First British Ambassador Goes to the Court
The First Burmese War
The First Traveller in Queensland
The Flagstaff War
For the Empire
The Founding of Quebec
The Founding of Sydney
The Founding of Two Republics
The French in India
The Ghurkas
The Gold City
The Great Trek
The Great Witch Doctor
The Hatred of the Dutch
The Hau Haus and Te Kooti
Hongi the Warrior
How Brave Men Went Sailing upon Unknown Seas
How Lief the Son of Eric the Red Sailed to the Wes
How a Bold Answer Saved Quebec
How a Breton Sailor Came to Canada
How a Great White Bird Came to the Shores
How the Maoris Became the Children
How the Union Jack Was Hoisted upon the Fort
The King of the Maoris
A Knight of New France
A Little Revolution
Louis Riel
The Mutiny of Vellore
The Mutiny—Cawnpore
The Mutiny—Delhi
The Mutiny—Lucknow
New Zealand
The Path of Glory
The Pindaris and the Last Maratha War
The Rebellion of Slachter's Nek
Red River Settlement
Sati and Thags
The Siege of Arcot
The Siege of Bhurtpore
The Sikhs
South Africa
The Storming of the Bat's Nest
A Story about a Pretty Stone
The Story of Henry Hudson
The Story of Laura Secord
The Story of Madeleine de Vercheres
The Story of a False Prophet
Success at Last
The Taming of the Wild Cabbage Leaf
Through the Great Unknown
Times of Misrule
Tippoo Sultan
To the Sound of the War-Song
The Tracts of Thirst and Furnace
Upon Majuba's Height
War and Peace
The War of the Axe
The War of the Boundary Line
The Warpath
Warren Hastings—War
Warren Hastings, First Governor-General
Warrior Chieftains
Westward! Westward! Westward!
The Wreck of the "Birkenhead"

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