Gateway to the Classics: The Netherlands by Mary Macgregor
The Netherlands by  Mary Macgregor

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The Netherlands
by Mary Macgregor
Story of the struggle for religious liberty in the Netherlands. By the middle of the sixteenth century the little country of the Netherlands was standing at bay, defying those who, with the aid of inquisitions and edicts, were trying to stamp out all who would not subscribe to the Roman Catholic faith. The fight was long and desperate, but it was fought to the death by the Provinces, under the leadership of the hero and liberator of the Netherlands, William of Orange. Often baffled and even beaten, William the Silent struggled on through failure to victory, giving his time, his possessions, and even his life for the sake of his country. Admirable retelling of the narratives given in Motley's Dutch Republic and Prescott's Philip II, with numerous full-page illustrations complementing the text.  Ages 13-18
355 pages $15.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

The Early Struggles
The Abdication of Charles V
Philip the Prince
Philip in the Netherlands
Philip Leaves the Netherlands
Granvelle and Orange
Orange Opposes Granvelle
The Inquisition
Granvelle's Downfall
The Inquisition Resisted
Revenge Taken on the Image-Breakers
William of Orange Pacifies Antwerp
Orange Leaves the Netherlands. Alva Arrives
Alva's Reign of Terror
William Defies Alva
Alva Avenges the Victory of Heilger-Lee
Orange Returns to the Netherlands
A General Pardon Proclaimed
Montigny's Doom
The Sea-Beggars
The Capture and Surrender of Mons
The Struggle with Spain Grows Desperate
The Siege of Haarlem
The Patriots Win by Land and Sea
The Grand Commander
The Siege and Relief of Leyden
The Grand Commander Dies
The Spanish Fury
Don John of Austria
Don John's Treachery
The Prince of Orange Is Invited to Brussels
Don John's Struggles and Death
Alexander of Parma
The Ban
The Duke of Anjou's Reception and Treachery
The Plot against Orange and Its Success

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