The Story of France by  Mary Macgregor

Table of Contents

Front Matter

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The Druids
The Patriot of Vercingetorix
King Attila
The First King of France
The Three Little Princes
The Sluggard Kings
The Death of St. Boniface
Roland Winds His Horn
Louis the Good-Natured
The Vikings
The Vikings Besiege Paris
Rollo's Pride
King Robert and the Pope
The Truce of God
Peter the Hermit
The Oriflamme
The Second Crusade
Arthur, Prince of Normandy, Disappears
The Battle of Bouvines
The Vow of St. Louis
St. Louis Is Taken Prisoner
The Sicilian Vespers
The Battle of the Spurs
Pope Boniface Taken Prisoner
The Salic Law
The Battle of Sluys
The Battle of Crecy
The Siege of Calais
The Battle of Poitiers
The Rebellion of Jacques
Sir Bertrand du Guesclin
The Battle of Roosebek
The Mad King
The Two Lily Princes
The Battle of Agincourt
The Baby-King of France
The Siege of Orleans
Joan Sees the Dauphin
Joan Relieves Orleans
Joan Leads the Dauphin to Rheims
The Death of the Maid
The League of the Common Weal
Louis XI Visits Charles the Bold
The Death of Charles the Bold
Madame la Grande
Bayard Is Taken Prisoner
Bayard Holds the Bridge Alone
The Field of the Cloth of Gold
The Death of Bayard
The Reformers
The "Gabelle" or Salt Tax
The Siege of St. Quentin
The Prince of Condé Taken Prisoner
The Prince of Condé Killed
Admiral Coligny Goes to Paris
St. Bartholomew's Day
Henry of Navarre Escapes from Paris
The King of Paris
The Prince of Béarn
Ravaillac Stabs the King
The Italian Favourite
The Siege of La Rochelle
The Day of Dupes
The Wars of the Fronde
The Diligent King
Louis XIV Persecutes the Huguenots
The Bread of the Peasants
The Taking of Quebec
Marie Antoinette
The Taking of the Bastille
The Fishwives at Versailles
The Flight of the Royal Family
Louis XVI Is Executed
Marie Antoinette Is Executed
Napoleon Bonaparte
The Bridge of Lodi
The Battle of the Pyramids
The Great St. Bernard Pass
"The Sun of Austerlitz"
The Berlin Decree
The Retreat from Moscow
Napoleon Is Banished to Elba
The Batttle of Waterloo
The Revolution of July
The Brave Archbishop
The Siege of Sebastopol
"The Man of Sedan"

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