The Princess and the Goblin by  George MacDonald

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The Princess and the Goblin
by George MacDonald
A marvelous tale of how the princess and Curdie, with the help of the great-great-grandmother, overcome the wicked goblins of the mountain. In the sphere of fantasy, author George MacDonald has few equals, and his rare touch of many aspects of life invariably gives to his stories a deeper meaning of the highest value. A contemporary writes of The Princess and the Goblin: "It is a graceful story, full of romance and adventure, with a deep meaning underlying the beauty of the surface, which gives it the life and mystery which forms the subtle charm MacDonald weaves into all his works, especially those for the young. Faith in that which is invisible, and the courage of that which we believe, are what he tries to teach. He speaks with a tender, earnest eloquence which draws a response from the reader, like music from the harp of a master minstrel."  Ages 7-10
249 pages $12.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Why the Princess Has a Story about Her
The Princess Loses Herself
The Princess and—We Shall See Who
What the Nurse Thought of It
The Princess Lets Well Alone
The Little Miner
The Mines
The Goblins
The Hall of the Goblin Palace
The Princess's King-Papa
The Old Lady's Bedroom
A Short Chapter about Curdie
The Cobs' Creatures
That Night Week
Woven and Then Spun
The Ring
Curdie's Clue
Goblin Counsels
Irene's Clue
The Escape
The Old Lady and Curdie
Curdie and His Mother
Irene Behaves Like a Princess
Curdie Comes to Grief
The Goblin Miners
The Goblins in the King's House
Curdie's Guide
The King and the Kiss
The Subterranean Waters
The Last Chapter

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