Mother Stories by  Maud Lindsay

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Mother Stories
by Maud Lindsay
Seventeen stories ideally suited for kindergarten children who take great interest in lively stories about familiar things, especially those that include rhyme and repetition as these stories do. Within each story is a subtle moral, pleasing to children and not at all obtrusive.  Ages 4-7
145 pages $11.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Motto for the Mother
The Wind's Work
Motto for the Mother
Mrs. Tabby Gray
Motto for the Mother
Fleet Wing and Sweet Voice
Motto for the Mother
The Little Girl with the Light
Motto for the Mother
The Little Gray Pony
Motto for the Mother
How the Home Was Built
Motto for the Mother
The Little Traveler
Motto for the Mother
The Open Gate
Motto for the Mother
Inside the Garden Gate
Motto for the Mother
The Journey
Motto for the Mother
Giant Energy and Fairy Skill
Motto for the Mother
The Search for a Good Child
Motto for the Mother
The Closing Door
Motto for the Mother
The Minstrel's Song
Motto for the Mother
Dust under the Rug
Motto for the Mother
The Story of Gretchen
Motto for the Mother
The King's Birthday

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