More Mother Stories by  Maud Lindsay

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More Mother Stories
by Maud Lindsay
Twenty more delightful stories for kindergarten children about the commonplace things they care about most, with enough rhyme and repetition to keep them begging for more. Most of the stories in this book revolve around animals of the barnyard, with a sprinkling of stories of everyday doings. Two Christmas stories conclude the volume.  Ages 4-7
142 pages $11.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Motto for the Mother
Wishing Wishes
Motto for the Mother
Irmgard's Cow
Motto for the Mother
Hans and His Dog
Motto for the Mother
The Two Paths
Motto for the Mother
Pattie's New Dress
Motto for the Mother
Out of the Nest
Motto for the Mother
The Turkey's Nest
Motto for the Mother
The Birthday Present
Motto for the Mother
The Little Shepherd
Motto for the Mother
The Broken Window Pane
Motto for the Mother
The Stepping Stones
Motto for the Mother
Dumpy the Pony
Motto for the Mother
Patsy the Calf
Motto for the Mother
Mrs. Specklety Hen
Motto for the Mother
The Little Pig
Motto for the Mother
The White Dove
Motto for the Mother
The Visit
Motto for the Mother
The Choice
Motto for the Mother
The Christmas Cake
Motto for the Mother
The Christmas Stocking

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