In the Days of the Guild by  Louise Lamprey

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Old Road
The Boy with the Woolpack
The Biographer
Basil the Scribe
Venetian Glass
The Picture in the Window
Troubadour's Song
The Grasshoppers' Library
The Wood-Carver's Vision
The Box That Quentin Carved
The Caged Bouverel
At the Sign of the Gold Finch
Up Anchor
The Venture of Nicholas Gay
London Bells
Barbara, the Little Goose-Girl
Harper's Song
Richard's Silver Penny
Perfumer's Song
Mary Lavender's Garden
Pavement Song
Saint Crispin's Day
Concealed Weapons
The Lozenges of Giovanni
A Song of Birds and Beasts
A Dyke in the Danelaw
London Bridge
At the Bartlemy Fair
Midsummer Day in England
Edwitha's Little Bowl
Song of the Tapestry Weavers
Looms in Minchen Lane
The Wishing Carpet
The Herbalist's Brew
The Marionettes
The Hurer's Lodgers
Armorers' Song
Dickon at the Forge
The Wander-Years
The Wings of the Dragon
St. Eloi's Blessing
Gold of Byzantium
The Watchword
Cockatrice Eggs

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