The Oak-Tree Fairy Book by  Clifton Johnson

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Twist-Mouth Family
The Tale of a Black Cat
The Talking Eggs
The Travels of a Fox
Jack and the Bean-Stalk
The Two Brothers and the Old Witch
The Old Woman and Her Pig
Lady Featherflight
The Little Red Hen and the Wheat
A Bear Story
Foolish Jim and Clever James
The Beggar and the Princess
The Ogre's Wife
The Fox and the Little Red Hen
The Hobyahs
The Three Bears
The King of the Golden Mountain
Little Red Riding-Hood
The Four Musicians
The Wolf and the Seven Little Goslings
The Magic Fiddle
The Clever Wife
Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse
The Story of Chicken-Licken
King O'Toole and His Goose
The Three Little Pigs
The Fairy Cow
The Master of All Masters
Mr. Micrawble
The Fisherman and His Wife
Beauty and the Beast
The Fate of a Little Old Woman
The Donkey, the Table, and the Stick
Mr. Vinegar
The Giant of the Black Mountains
Lazy Jack
The Elves and the Shoemaker
The Wise Men of Gotham
The Salt Fish and the Eel
A Missing Man Found
The Kettle That Would Not Walk
The Little Horse and Its Kind Master
The Gotham Men and the Cuckoo
The Hare That Was Sent to York
The Crane in the Wheatfields
The Men of Gotham and the Watch
The Cheeses That Ran Away
The Lost Legs
The Hiding of the Church Bell

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