Celtic Fairy Tales by  Joseph Jacobs

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

Connla and the Fairy Maiden
The Field of Boliauns
The Horned Women
Conall Yellowclaw
Hudden and Dudden and Donald O'Neary
The Shepherd of Myddvai
The Sprightly Tailor
The Story of Deirdre
Munachar and Manachar
Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree
King O'Toole and His Goose
The Wooing of Olwen
Jack and His Comrades
The Shee an Gannon and the Gruagach Gaire
The Story-Teller at Fault
The Sea-Maiden
A Legend of Knockmany
Fair, Brown, and Trembling
Jack and His Master
Beth Gellert
The Tale of Ivan
Andrew Coffey
The Battle of the Birds
Brewery of Eggshells
The Lad with the Goat-Skin

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