Irving's Alhambra by  Washington Irving

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Journey
Palace of the Alhambra
Important Negotiations
Inhabitants of the Alhambra
The Hall of Ambassadors
Alhamar, the Founder of the Alhambra
The Mysterious Chambers
Panarama from the Tower of Comares
The Balcony
The Adventure of the Mason
The Court of the Lions
Local Traditions
The House of the Weathercock
Legend of the Arabian Astrologer
Legend of Prince Ahmed Al Kamel
Legend of the Moor's Legacy
Legend of the Three Beautiful Princesses
Legend of the Rose of the Alhambra
The Veteran
The Governor and the Notary
Governor Manco and the Soldier
The Crusade of the Grand Master of Alcantara
Spanish Romance
Legend of Don Munio Sancho de Hinojosa
The Author's Farewell to Granada

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