The Story of Columbus by  Gladys M. Imlach

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The Story of Columbus
by Gladys M. Imlach
Relates the story of Columbus from his early days in Genoa, Italy, dreaming of a life at sea, his daring plan, and its eventual acceptance by Ferdinand and Isabella, to his discovery of the New World, followed by subsequent voyages of exploration, and reverses of fortune. Emphasis on character traits that enabled Columbus to achieve what no other man dared, despite repeated struggles and disappointments.  Ages 8-12
92 pages $9.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Unexplored Seas
In Spain
Across the Ocean
San Salvador
Cuba and Hayti
The Return of the Adventurers
The Fate of the First Colonists
The Settlement at Isabella
Trouble in Hayti
The Third Voyage
The Fourth Voyage
The Death of Columbus

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