The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by  Amelia C. Houghton

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The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus
by Amelia C. Houghton
Draw close to the fire, all you who believe in the spirit of Christmas, whether you call it Santa Claus, or simply good will to men; and listen to the story of Nicholas the Wandering Orphan who became Nicholas the Wood-carver, a lover of little children. Follow him through his first years as a lonely little boy, who had the knack of carving playthings for children; then as a young man, busy over the little toys; then as a prosperous, fat, rosy old man, who overcomes all sorts of difficulties in order to attain his ambition, a toy for every child in the village. Learn how he started to drive a beautiful sleigh drawn by prancing reindeer; why he first came down a chimney; how he filled the first stocking; where the first Christmas tree was decorated; and finally how he came to be known as Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus.  Ages 6-10
134 pages $10.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Nicholas Loses His Family
Nicholas Makes His First Gift
The Race for a Sled
The Night before Christmas
Nicholas, the Wood-Carver
The First Christmas Stocking
Nicholas' First Red Suit
Donder and Blitzen
Vixen, the Naughty Reindeer
Nicholas Goes Down the Chimney
The First Christmas Tree
A Present for Nicholas
Holly Gets Its Name
The Last Stocking
The Passing of Nicholas
Santa Claus

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