The Sandman: His Farm Stories by  William J. Hopkins

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The Sandman: His Farm Stories
by William J. Hopkins
Twenty-one stories of the everyday doings of Little John around the farm: fetching water, grinding corn, making cider, growing wheat, boiling maple syrup, and so on.  Ages 5-8
111 pages $10.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Oxen Story
The Fine-Hominy Story
The Apple Story
The Whole Wheat Story
The Stump Story
The Horsie Story
The Log Story
The Uncle Sam Story
The Market Story
The Maple-Sugar Story
The Rail Fence Story
The Cow Story
The Hay Story
The Fireplace Story
The Baking Story
The Swimming Story
The Chicken Story
The Shawl Story
The Buying-Farm Story
The Butter Story
The Bean-Pole Story

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