When the King Came by  George Hodges

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Year One
The Herald of the King
Shepherds and Singing Angels
The King's Name
The King Is Taken to the Temple
The Visit of the Wise Men
The Carpenter's House
At the Age of Twelve
The Herald Speaks
Heaven and the River
The Three Temptations
The Twelve Friends
The King Goes to a Wedding
The King among His Neighbors
A Day of the King's Life
The Broken Roof
The Pool of the Angel
The King Stops a Funeral
The Stilling of a Storm
The Wild Man of Gergesa
The Minister's Little Daughter
The Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon of the Seven Stories
The Herald's Head
Twelve Baskets of Pieces
Why the King Was Hated
In the Land of Tyre and Sidon
What a Blind Man Saw
A Rock for a Corner-Stone
The King in His Beauty
The Lad at the Foot of the Hill
The Good Samaritan
The Prodigal Son
The Rich Man and the Beggar
At the Grave of Lazarus
On the Way to Jerusalem
In the Streets of Jericho
Palms and Psalms
Three Days of the Holy Week
Pharisees and Sadducees and Wedding Guests
The Last Supper
In the Garden of Gethsemane
Christ before Caiaphas
Christ before Pilate
Crucified, Dead, and Buried
The Empty Tomb
The King Walks with Two Disciples
The Vision of the Seven Fishermen
The King Returns to Heaven

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