The Early Church, from Ignatius to Augustine by  George Hodges

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The Early Church, from Ignatius to Augustine
by George Hodges
An engaging introduction to the history of the early church from its emergence in the Mediterranean world dominated by Rome until the fall of Rome in the age of Augustine. Relates the story of Christianity's struggle for life during the early days of persecution; the defence of the faith against prejudice, heresy, and rivalry; the Arian debate; the rise of monasticism in the east and in the west; and the influence of Ambrose, Chrysostom, and Augustine.  Ages 14-18
263 pages $13.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

The Roman World
The Struggle for Life
The Defence of the Faith
The Organization of Religion
The Arian Debate
Monasticism in the East: Basil and Gregory
Monasticism in the West: Martin, Cassian, Jerome

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