The Story of the Middle Ages by  Samuel B. Harding

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The Story of the Middle Ages
by Samuel B. Harding
Relates the history of the Middle Ages simply, directly, and entertainingly. The material is well-arranged and the selection of topics is excellent. Special attention is given to presenting the life of the people—peasant, noble, and court. A unique and valuable book.  Ages 11-14
217 pages $12.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Ancient Germans
Breaking the Frontier
The Wanderings of the West-Goths
End of the Western Empire
Growth of the Christian Church
Rise of the Franks
Franks and Mohammedans
The Growth of Feudalism
Deeds of the Northmen
The First Crusade
Later Crusades
Life of the Castle
Life of the Village and Town
Life of the Monastery
Papacy and Empire
The Hundred Years' War
End of the Middle Ages

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