The Story of Old France by  H. A. Guerber

Table of Contents

France Long Ago
How the Gauls Came into France
The Priests of the Gauls
Sailor Stories
Conquests of the Gauls
Two Great Battles
Caesar in Gaul
Gaul under the Romans
The First Christian Martyrs
The Patron Saint of France
How the Franks Came into Gaul
The First Kings
Conversion and Conquests of Clovis
Clotaire and His Relatives
Two Rival Queens
Good King Dagobert and His Successors
The Saracens Checked
The End of the Merovingians
Charlemagne's Wars
Charlemagne's Manner of Life
Charlemagne, Emperor
Troublesome Sons
The Strassburg Oath
The Normans Besiege Paris
The Last of the Carolingians
The Year One Thousand
Robert's Two Wives
The Wealth of the Clergy
The First Crusade
A Love Story
The Second Crusade
More Crusades
The Battle of Bouvines
Regency of Blanche of Castile
The Sixth Crusade
The Reign of Louis UX
The Effect of the Crusades
The Battle of the Spurs
Death of the Knights Templar
The Beginning of the Hundred Years' War
The Siege of Calais
The Battle of Poitiers
Seven Years of Misery (1356-1363)
The Brave du Guesclin
The Achievements of Charles V.
Charles VI.
Misrule in France
The Disgraceful Treaty
Joan to the Rescue
Orleans and Rheims
Joan's Captivity and Martyrdom
Charles's Successes
The Crafty King Louis XI.
Beginning of Louis XI.'s Reign
Achievements of Louis XI.
Charles VIII.
The Second Italian War
Death of Louis XII.
Francis I.
Rivalry of Kings
Achievements of Francis I.
The End of Francis I.'s Reign
The Reign of Henry II.
A Young King and Queen
Catherine's Regency
The Forced Wedding
The Massacre of the Huguenots
Death of Charles IX.
An Effeminate King

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